at The Refettorio Felix (London, UK) - 2019

Our creative mind never stop.

TU WAS created in the summer of 2019 aS new ephemeral restaurant format at Refettorio Felix, home of Massimo Bottura’s project, “Food for Soul”, A not-for-profit organisation founded in 2016 with the aim of encouraging those from different fields, including chefs, artists, designers, and food suppliers, to collaborate in buildingS and sustaining community projects.

A year BEFORE “TU”, Martin Milesi was invited to cook at Refettorio Felix for one of ITS characteristic lunches for vulnerable people who live on the streets of London and where every noon they are entertained with a communal lunch made by their permanent team of chefs, as well as  by renowned chefs who are invited to create a three-step menu with PRODUCTS sourced from London markets. ProducE in good condition that could no longer be sold, but can be consumed. 

In 2019, Milesi proposed to create an ephemeral restaurant WITH THREE communal tables where clients arrived at the HUGE dining room designed by Ilse Crawford. Once there, a tapas menu of Latin American classics came out of the kitchen to enjoy a night of meeting and sharing a table WITH strangers, OUR LEIT-MOTIV IN OUR CONCEPTS.

“Tú” was only open during the summer of 2019, thus marking a creative alternative and betting that ephemeral concepts are a source of inspiration to bet on a style of restaurant that appears and disappears, although it works as if it were always open to the public. public.